Searchbox Multiple Search For Constraints

As seen in the image above, is there a way for my searchbox element to search for these 3 specific data values?

Need help! I have tried merged with, advanced filters or anything but my searchbox element can’t find any data with all three constraints, only one of them!

Just need it to search in my tracking database any basket number arriving from one of the 3 machines in which they could be SB 1, SB 2, or SB 3

you probably need to use algolia search for this…

alternatively you could create a field and put all the search values into that 1 field - then you could search that field for any of the 3 values.

if instead you need to constrain the search by those values if they exist you can check the “ignore empty constraints” and then pass either null or the value into the search

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Hey mitch, funnily enough just as you replied I solved the issue. I made an option set with all 3 machines SB 1-3, and instead of using equals I used ‘is in’ and that seems to have done the trick for now!

Thanks for your input though could use it for more applications!