Create a multi criteria search

Hi I am new to bubble. How would I go about doing a search with multiple criteria example a dropdown that contains products and an input box for zipcode then the search button. I can get it to work for dropdown alone or zipcode alone but not both. Please direct me to any video etc Thank You.

Have you tried adding more that one constraint to your search?

The thing to know about is “ignore empty constraints” - a check box you may not have noticed. In a few more words - if the constraint is empty then ignore it so that it doesn’t constrain the search.

You can see a working example here … and look at it in the editor to see how it works.

But how would I search both the zipcode and the dropdown maybe I am missing something. Thanks

While “doing a search for” use multiple constraints. In your case:

  • product = dropdown’s value
  • zipcode = input zipcode’s value

P.S. If you need some short video explanation - you can check Combining Filter Types | Tutorial - YouTube by Buildcamp