Searching for User's name and User's field (option set)

Hi Bubblers!

What would be the best practice to search for a User’s name and User’s field (option set list of items)?

So when searcher types either name or the user, or name of one of the items in the option set list that we have, for a right user to be found. Thanks!

Hi @another,

I would use an input and in your RG for your constraints: Any Field = Input

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Woundn’t “any field” be too much to scale? User Data Type has around 20 fields, is this what it refers to?

Have updated:

Once again, the field is list of option sets in the User Data Type to search for, beside the User’s Full name. Is this possible? :wink:


Hi @another,

Please refer to this documentation about “Any Field:” Search - Bubble Docs

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Exactly! What if there is 1500 users and each user has 30 data fields, it’s too much to search for.

So the Search for Users has constraint to search for users who have “created an article”, and then I am seeing something like this:

It’s lame that we have to duplicate our data in Bubble, but whenever the list changes I set another text field under the User to the list of the option’s displays separated by a space. So there is a single text field (not a list) that can be used in the search constraints

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Okay! Great one!

Is there other options for this case?

Thanks all!


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