Seeking dev for finalyzing Chat Feature


I’ve built a Chat feature on my website but I’m struggling to do the following :

  • Load more messages when scrolling on top.

Ideally I’d like having only the latest 10-15 messages to load instantly and when user scrolls on top, older messages would load. I tried every single plugins out there with 0 success doing so. I need to build something that loads fast and expecting hundreds/thousands of messages per day.

If someone could teach me how to do it, I’d really appreciate it and could pay for the service.

Here is a preview of the chat :

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I can help you out with this feature. You can reach out to me here:

Hey @ben4trader

  1. Enable the option to add an ID attribute to HTML Elements. (Go to Settings=> General)


  1. Import the HTML element on to page and paste the following script-

     #mirror {
           transform: scaleY(-1);
  2. Add the following in the ID field in the properties of your repeating group.


  1. Add the following in the ID field in the properties of your repeating group item group-


Yes, both have the same id.

  1. Uncheck the “set fixed number of rows” in the repeating group.
  2. Sort the data source into the repeating groups based on the creation date with descending order.

I think this is to invert the chats no? The chats are already inverted and what I’m looking for is to load more messages when user scrolls on top.

@ben4trader this involve both… Do check here -

ben, did you figure out how to solve for this problem? i’ve been trying to figure this out myself.