I’m interested to hear the idea to see if I may be interested to stop work on my projects and jump on board to steer your ship.
By the way, NDA, if you speak to any experienced startup entrepreneur or investor they wouldn’t listen if you are asking for an NDA. The reason being for investors, it means if they don’t believe in you and your team, they wouldn’t be capable of investing with another potential group who has a relatively similar idea. Most investors don’t really invest in the idea, but rather the team behind it.
On the side of entrepreneurs I’d personally believe most would be a bit offended to be made to feel that their ideas are not worthy of following through on once hearing the idea of somebody else. I know you made a caveat in your post:
I have a question for you…do you really want a partner who isn’t able to come up with an idea worth pursuing? My thought is that somebody who doesn’t believe in their own ideas, probably wouldn’t have much conviction on other issues of opinion and wouldn’t be the best partner to “spit ball” ideas and solutions with.
Also, I have other questions in regards to your post.
Are you implying here that you want somebody to finish what you started?
It sounds like to me, you had an idea that might not be worth pursuing because if it was you wouldn’t have stopped working on it before completing it. My point is not to offend you, but to highlight how other people may view this.
My thoughts here is that somebody who truly believes in something, would invest everything into it, whether that be time or money. So, if you are too busy, that would imply the idea isn’t worth pursuing, because on the other side, if it was, you’d stop what is taking up your time and focus on the new idea.
At the end of reading this, I interpreted as asking "please complete my app for free, then operate my business for a ‘substantial equity position’ while I maintain a larger share of the overall profits because I had an idea’
Years ago I had great advice from investors and entrepreneurs that helped me to understand their views on these types of issues. Most of them had the same basic thought process, which was ideas are worth nothing, it is the people behind them that have value.
All told me to never feel like my idea was greater than anybody else’s idea, and that I should tell anybody and everybody willing to listen to it because you never know who may be able to help you and ultimately, again, it isn’t the idea that has value, it is the people who are going to follow through and execute a plan that are valuable.
This advice helped me understand how to show my value, which wasn’t about coming up with the idea, but rather believing in it myself to follow through and complete it and invest all I had in it. Because who is going to invest something when you are not willing to invest in it yourself?
Hope this helps…maybe to get more traction on this, post the idea, where the business is currently at in terms of profits and the projected roadmap for future growth.
Again, not trying to be a jerk or offend, just trying to pass on the kind of tough but valuable advice I’ve received over the years.