Sendgrid Emails Getting Lost [BUG]

I’m having a really weird issue with Sendgrid native emails for the last 5-6 days.

System is sending around 200 emails daily and almost half of the emails are not arriving to Sendgrid itself. There is 2-3 hours of void spots between delivered emails. For example for today, all the emails sent before 3:41 pm are delivered but nothing after that hour is sent and also not showing up on Activity Feed at all. This is not about deliverability problem, this is about Bubble - Sendgrid communication as I assume.

Is there anyone having a similar issue or any suggestions how to solve this?


I’ve switched on the Cloudflare proxy to use caching, and it was working properly till the last deployment as I assume. So when you use proxy, Bubble cannot verify the A records and gives out an error, so we ignore it. But when I deployed the last version, Bubble should be thinking that since A records are not verified, my app is on a free plan, and rate limits are activated for emails.

Hey @jo1,

Have you checked the Bubble logs between that timeframe? Maybe there’s some error being thrown (maybe from the Sendgrid API?) causing it never to hit Sendgrid?

I assume you have a paid SendGrid account (not a free one)?..

I’ve checked it each time and Bubble sending out the payload without any error to Sendgrid.

Yes I have the one with dedicated IP.

Did Sendgrid ever return a success response?

For example:

The thing is, I’m using Bubble’s native Sendgrid integration. And there is no response returned for this communication. Otherwise it would be really easy to solve :sweat_smile:

So I’ve also contacted with Sendgrid tech support and they said there is no request comes from Bubble when we tested sending an email while on call.

The screenshot I sent above was from the native Sendgrid integration (but on a demo app)

I’ve been missing something then, let me check real quick.

Make sure to check them in the advanced settings of the logs tab and also maybe check Sending email failed

Here is the error and I’ve no idea if this is a bug or there is a hard limit built in. I’m already using a custom key. Any idea what that means and how to solve it?

Oh… what the – you put your Sendgrid API key into your app settings right?

This seems like a bug to me… I just Googled that error and it brought me to this forum post: Email sending limit of 20 destinations, but I have sendgrid? from Jun 20th. There is no way Bubble didn’t fix this – unless they didn’t…

Have you filed a bug report with them?

Yep, it’s all setup correctly. I’ve a theory though, I’ve switched on the Cloudflare proxy to use caching, and it was working properly till the last deployment as I assume. So when you use proxy, Bubble cannot verify the A records and gives out an error, so we ignore it. But when I deployed the last version, Bubble should be thinking that since A records are not verified, my app is on a free plan, and rate limits are activated for emails.

Oooh, that could be the culprit. I think that when your A records aren’t verified, it maybe defaults to the one.

I have that same setup with CF i dont use sendgrid, but instead use postmark which are done via API calls via the API connector so it doesn’t affect me

Yup, that should be the problem, I’m sending a bug report for that. Thanks for your help Johnny, I really appreciate it!

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No problem :blush: Glad its resolved

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