SendGrid Warning for Newbies

Thanks for your time and help.
Wish you the best for your Xmas break

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I’ve just managed to go through it ! :ok_hand:
The keys just need to be set up in the upper part (my key is empty for obvious reasons)

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OK, so an Happy end before Xmas, great! :smile:

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What’s Up - Is this statement still holding for you?

God. This is a for real problem.

Hey all,

You may or may not have seen my post about email in general, but I thought I’d drop it in here, just in case it is of any help to you.

This thread and a few others prompted me to write it.
Some have eluded to the steps involved in fixing issues like this and I’m basically expanding on their points to explain the pain points of email and the steps you should be taking no matter if you have issues or not.
I hope it’s helpful :wink:


Thanks for creating this plugin. Makes sending emails much easier with Bubble and Postmark.

I created this video which showcases the plugin

Ooh great! Will definitely check it out! :smile: :smile: :smile:

I set up sender authentication as well and no dice. All I’m trying to do is have the user verify their email address. Bubble’s transition to sendgrid when going live is TERRIBLE! A disaster at launch. There should be a warning label on it.

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Thanks for sharing. This would save us time by considering Postmark, instead of SendGrid

how to use postmark to verify users?

Hi there @xtechaus,

You can create your own verification system. Or are you using the built in Bubble verification system?

Currently using bubble’s with sendgrid, but want to switch over to postmark. Not sure how to go about doing verification on bubble with postmark, thanks for reply!

What is your current verification system?

In my last reply… I am using bubble’s with sendgrid

You can’t use Postmark if you’re using Bubble’s verification system. My suggestion is to create your own verification system with an additional data field in user called isVerified? Yes/No

Yes, but I don’t know how to go about creating this.

look at this thread - Verification e-mail as a link

All my notification emails from my app are being “deferred” is this the same problem…still!?

What can I do? Cause I can’t even get reset password from’s own action to work and I have no idea how to get around that if Bubble chooses to use SendGrid!?