Sending Data from to

I’m trying to send data from a http request in to

My challenge is that I want to add data to a database but it has a relationship with another database.

in this instance its the User, our primary field is the users email, but I have tried sending this as user id and user email? But neither are accepted.

I receive errors in such as :

Error: 400 Bad Request
{“status”:“error”,“message”:“Invalid data for field User: object with this id does not exist:”,“body”:{“statusCode”:400,“body”:{“status”:“MISSING_DATA”,“message”:“Invalid data for field User: object with this id does not exist:”}}}
{“status”:“error”,“message”:“Invalid data for field User: object with this id does not exist:”,“body”:{“statusCode”:400,“body”:{“status”:“MISSING_DATA”,“message”:“Invalid data for field User: object with this id does not exist:”}}}
{“status”:“error”,“message”:“Invalid data for field User: object with this id does not exist:”,“body”:{“statusCode”:400,“body”:

Error: 400 Bad Request
{“status”:“error”,“message”:“Invalid data for field User: object with this id does not exist: [object Object]”,“body”:{“statusCode”:400,“body”:{“status”:“MISSING_DATA”,“message”:“Invalid data for field User: object with this id does not exist: [object Object]”}}}
{“status”:“error”,“message”:“Invalid data for field User: object with this id does not exist: [object Object]”,“body”:{“statusCode”:400,“body”:{“status”:“MISSING_DATA”,“message”:“Invalid data for field User: object with this id does not exist: [object Object]”}}}
{“status”:“error”,“message”:“Invalid data for field User: object with this id does not exist: [object Object]”,“body”:{“statusCode”:400,“body”:{“status”:“MISSING_DATA”,“message”:"In

I am trying to send this via bulk api…

My text aggregator prior to this is this:

{“page”:“{{get(421.keys; 1)}}”,“query”:“{{get(; 1)}}”,“clicks” :{{ifempty(parseNumber(; 0)}},“impressions”:{{ifempty(parseNumber(; 0)}},“ctr”:{{ifempty(parseNumber(; 0)}},“position”:{{ifempty(parseNumber(replace(; “,”; “.”)); 0)}},“GSC site url”:“{{194.gsc_site_url}}”,“User”:[“{{194.user_email}}”],“Page Data URL”:[{“id”:“{{get(421.keys; 1)}}”}]}

I would Appreciate any help!

id needs to be the users ID not email

you can send data to bubble two ways

  1. mapped to specific input fields in the api workflow
  2. as a raw json that is then parsed by bubble (use the “detect request data”)