From make to bubble in database


I’m working on back-end workflows for my future use case. I want to send data from Make to Bubble. My data is sent correctly to Bubble, I recover it. I do a Data detect in my back end workflow, and get the number “29”. Then, I want to send it to the database, but the 29 doesn’t make it :frowning_with_open_mouth: I don’t see what I missed so that the 29 doesn’t register in the DB :frowning_with_open_mouth: . Thanks in advance

The ending /initialize in your URL should be removed after you make your first connection between and Bubble. Otherwise, the other requests will not work.

Also, remember to remove the /version-test/ in the midle of the URL provided to, otherwise, every request from will trigger your backend workflow only in test version of your app.

I have removed /initialize and /version-test/ but does not work :frowning:

If you removed the /version-test/ from your URL, than the changes should happen in your live app. What return you are receiving inside

Thank you for your help :slight_smile:
Here, the make module
The error is :

Calm down :sweat_smile:

  1. Let’s do all the tests in /version-test/, ok? So keep it in your URL for now.

  2. To initialize your backend workflow in Bubble you need to have the /initialize in the end.

  3. After you map the POST received from inside Bubble, and make shure that you received the right information from, that means that you can now remove the /initialize from the end of your URL.

  4. Run another test in and see what happends

Also, could you share a scrennshot of your backend workflow?

Here is bubble :

Thank you :slight_smile:

As this workflow will be triggered by a POST from, you need to check the checkbox “This workflow can be run without authentication”.

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Since this endpoint is visible to everyone, you need to create some security mechanism to prevent someone with malicious intent from accessing it.

The best thing to do is to send, in the same POST that you are sending from, a token.

This token should be checked by your backend workflow BEFORE it begins.

It is very simple, just send a big string like “aijsdnau9dh9a8hdashd9as” and, in your backend workflow make sure that it will be triggered ONLY WHEN Request Data’s token is “aijsdnau9dh9a8hdashd9as”

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Thank you very much ! I have check “This workflow can be run without authentication”., now it runs ! :slight_smile:

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