Dear fellow Bubblers, I want to send inputs from page 1 as text fields to page 2 via clicking a button on page 1 to open page 2. I do not want to store inputs and trying to use states instead. Please give me a hint how it should be setup.
Hey @anatoly.chernenko If you need to change pages, this can be achieved by sending parameters to a page. Parameters are stored in the URL. It can’t be achieved using custom states because those are cleared when navigating to a different page.
For example, if you were to have a User enter their name on Page 1 and display their name on page 2 (without saving it), you could have an input and a button:
The workflow of the Button could then be:
Navigation → Go to page: page_2
Then you would check the box “send more parameters to the page”. Here we just need to enter a key (label it anything you choose), and that key’s value, which is the value of the input. Below, I just named the key, “name” since the user is entering their name and I want to display their entered name on page 2.
Then in the editor, you would go to page 2. I can then create a text element and select “get data from page URL”
The left-side window will appear where you can enter the key from page 1 in “parameter name”:
To double-check that this works, I entered my name on page 1:
Clicked submit, and then it is displayed in a text element on page 2.
If you have any questions at all or need any help setting this up in your app please feel free to let me know.
Dear Faye, thank you very much, I was wondering if keys could be used and now it makes perfect sense! I followed your guidelines, it worked like a charm, many thanks again!
P.S. Can you point me to any documentation that expains these functionality in detail?
You can find the entire documentation here:
Even better, if at any time you need clarification on something, hover over it. Wait one second and a reference link will (bubble-magically) appear. Clicked, this takes you directly the appropriate point in the documentation, where the feature is explained .
Results in:
and how to do this without the action of a button @fayewatson,just load data when loading the page