Sending data to pages

Dear fellow Bubblers, I want to send inputs from page 1 as text fields to page 2 via clicking a button on page 1 to open page 2. I do not want to store inputs and trying to use states instead. Please give me a hint how it should be setup.

Hey @anatoly.chernenko :slight_smile: If you need to change pages, this can be achieved by sending parameters to a page. Parameters are stored in the URL. It can’t be achieved using custom states because those are cleared when navigating to a different page.

For example, if you were to have a User enter their name on Page 1 and display their name on page 2 (without saving it), you could have an input and a button:

The workflow of the Button could then be:

Navigation → Go to page: page_2

Then you would check the box “send more parameters to the page”. Here we just need to enter a key (label it anything you choose), and that key’s value, which is the value of the input. Below, I just named the key, “name” since the user is entering their name and I want to display their entered name on page 2.

Then in the editor, you would go to page 2. I can then create a text element and select “get data from page URL”

The left-side window will appear where you can enter the key from page 1 in “parameter name”:

To double-check that this works, I entered my name on page 1:

Clicked submit, and then it is displayed in a text element on page 2.

If you have any questions at all or need any help setting this up in your app please feel free to let me know. :slight_smile:


Dear Faye, thank you very much, I was wondering if keys could be used and now it makes perfect sense! I followed your guidelines, it worked like a charm, many thanks again!

P.S. Can you point me to any documentation that expains these functionality in detail?

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You can find the entire documentation here:

Even better, if at any time you need clarification on something, hover over it. Wait one second and a reference link will (bubble-magically) appear. Clicked, this takes you directly the appropriate point in the documentation, where the feature is explained .

Results in:


and how to do this without the action of a button @fayewatson,just load data when loading the page