Hey Nigel,
I am struggling to figure this out. I am trying to do something similar however, later I need it to update a thing created in step on.
Specifically, we have an email capture on the main page. We need that to create a thing in the database (submitted emails), then open a new page. The new page will have a bit more comprehensive form for name, phone number, etc. Once someone enters this information, it needs to modify the ‘thing’ created in the first step (the email) to add the name, phone number, etc to that same thing. So that way we have a complete customer / lead information, not just an email.
Currently, the email is submitted just fine. But I can’t get it updated with the additional information from the 2nd page.
If I am understanding the explanation correctly, the method described above isn’t ideal for this kind of data transfer because it does not reference a thing in the database. Is this correct?
Here are the settings that I have for the ‘sending’ page’s workflows. The first is workflow to create the thing, and the 2nd is the ‘navigate to a new page’ workflow:
I do realize that the parameter is likely redundant, but I was experimenting with the method above.
For the receiving page, all of the elements are set as follows:
the page itself is set to the data base ‘thing’ where the email would be located (email submissions)
Then there are several layers of groups. The first has this setting:
Then the one containing the actual form is this:
The form itself looks like this:
The workflow for the ‘make changes to a thing’ has the following settings:
But, after clicking the button, there are no changes made to the ‘thing’. The name, phone number, etc. aren’t saved.
Thank you again for any help you can provide.