I’m trying to upload a PDF from Bubble to the Document Store in Flowise, using the API connector, and I need to include the Pinecone namespace as a text parameter to store it correctly.
I’m currently using “body-type: form data” for PDFs, and while the data reaches Pinecone, it doesn’t go to the correct namespace. See image.
I tried both “vectorStore.config.pineconeNamespace” and “pineconeNamespace” without success.
@romanmg do you know if it’s possible to send more than one PDF in the same call? I’m sending only one at the time but it would be great if its possible to send more than one.
Based on the parameter ID being “files” (plural), I would say yes. But, you may need to change your body type to JSON instead of Form-data so you can control the parameter values with more granularity (i.e. dynamic list of files).