Set a custom state for my site vs a single page?

The problem with page states is I cannot set them in a workflow step immediately prior to a workflow step that navigates to the internal page - and I cannot add a step after navigating to the page because Bubble says that’s not allowed (which is odd).

So is there a site state I can set that is accessible to all pages? Local a temp variable with global scope vs page scope?

There are times when I need this too. What I’ve done is set up a thing called AppSettings. I add a field for every native type (ie: number, text, Yes/No, Date) with a Name field for the lookup. Now you have access to it with a simple search.


Ugh. So a database hit just to get a custom state?

If you know you’re going to use a certain field, you could put it in a state on the page on page load.
This would be good if you’re going to use it more than once or as a condition on many elements.

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