Set a multiline field text

I have a multiline whose initial value is bound to a custom state cs-text on the multiline field itself.
That is to be able to set its initial content through a workflow based on some conditions.

Problem is, I cannot write a multiline expression as a value for the custom state. I can’t type some text mixed with dynamic expressions, like

Hi, I’m <Current User’s name> and I work in <Current User’s city> …


How can I do that?

Hey @furnys,

How about using the javascript to bubble element (Toolbox) and a javascript action to create the value, and then set the custom state to that?

Looking to improve your Bubble™ skills?

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:thinking: :tired_face: :confounded:

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Ken Truesdale

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That’s sweet!
I don’t know why a “run javascript” action is not built-in in Bubble.

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