Set State Of Element On Another Page Possible?

I’m trying to have an button action navigate to another page AND set the state of an element on that page.

Is this possible some how?

use parameters in the ulr as you navigate to the page bud.

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But then what do i do with the paramater?

“When parameter received do X?”

you got it :slight_smile:

Getting this…

But I want it to react on page load on the new page… I assume based on what’s in the URL?

I tried a custom event but it doesn’t seem to react but maybe I’m misunderstanding something.

I pass the parameter with the navigation button, but then on page load if the paramater is present i want it to set the state of an element on the new page.


It depends on what the state is.

If the state is a reference to a thing, then you might be better off passing it over on the User as a new field.

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