🎨 ᴺᴱᵂ ᴾᴸᵁᴳᴵᴺ Shotstack AI Video Editor

Hey Bubblers!

Shotstack is a cloud-based video editing and rendering platform designed to simplify and automate the video creation process.

It allows users to create high-quality, professional-looking videos quickly and easily, without the need for advanced technical skills or expensive software.

You can test out our Shotstack AI Video Editor with the live demo.


Enjoy !
Made with :black_heart: by wise:able
Discover our other Artificial Intelligence-based Plugins .

Hello @redvivi , I bought this template and i was wondering if i can add many assets at a go on one row, edit an asset directly on the timeline (Using ai)

Hey @uxprofessionalsusa ,

Replied directly to your email pending clarification.

did not get the email