I have a re-usable element created. It has 3 floating groups (A, B, C).
(See picture below)
I am using this re-usable element on a page.
When the page loads, only A is visible. The idea is that when I click on an icon in A, C should become visible right next to it (I am using animation to make it look smooth). When I click on C, B should become visible in between A and C by pushing C to the left.
I found a post on this forum regarding the issue of collapsable width.http://forum.bubble.io/t/collapsable-width/60221
The solution provided was to add this particular code into the page HTML header and give the element an ID (which is “position-relative”).
The code:
$( document ).ready(function() {
I understand that I have to tweak the code and make it this:
$( document ).ready(function() {
My question is:
a) Do I need to add this code in the page HTML header or can I work with an HTML element inside my re-usable element?
b) What steps do I need to follow to make this work. (Please give me exact steps to follow I do not know how this works at all.)