Shrinking Repeating Group is dropping cells under each other?


I having an Responsive issue with a Repeating Group containing a single column with 5 separate text elements (cells) in the same row proving me with 5 different fields to pull data (CRM contact info) into. My problem is when I shrink my browser page down, the 5 text cells drop below each other putting all 5 data sets in the same column which is what I am trying to avoid. I would prefer having all 5 text fields (cells) a fixed width or locked somehow so that each text cell slowly goes out of view as the browser page shrinks retaining the overall structure of the repeating group regardless of size.


Sounds like you should set the repeating group to fixed-width, but it’s hard to tell without seeing it in action to understand what your goals are.

Yes, I went ahead and unchecked fixed-width on the Repeating Group as well as all 5 text cells and then checked the “cut off content if too tall” box for all 5 text cells which seemed to do the trick.

Thanks potentialthings