Skillup is a fully functional application that is optimized for responsive design. The application enables trainers/professionals to get bookings for online or in person training sessions, sell video based training materials and upload blog content to help promote their unique professionals page where all of their content is showcased as well as allows users to book an available time slot with the professional.
The application is fully integrated with Stripe through API connections. All necessary API calls are added to the application with extensive workflows to provide a fully functional integration. There are also backend workflows setup to enable web hooks from Stripe to extend the applications capabilities.
The application is also fully integrated with Google Calendar through API connections. All necessary workflows are setup to allow users who have connected their Google Calendar to the application as a professional user to have their Google Calendar events applied to the creation of their available booking slots so users can only reserve time with them when they are available. All workflows are enabled to have the professionals Google Calendar events associated with the reserved meeting modified through API calls during the rescheduling process or when a user cancels the booking.
The application is integrated with Zoom through API calls so that a meeting is created automatically when a user reserves an available time with a professional. All workflows and API calls are enabled to allow the meeting to be modified if a user decides to reschedule their booking or cancel the meeting entirely. Backend workflows are enabled to accept Zoom web hooks if a user reauthorizes the application through their Zoom account dashboard.
The application has a complete scheduling and booking process that is completely responsive for a great mobile experience when booking meetings or on any other type of device. Professional users can create multiple schedules as well as include custom scheduling to accommodate holiday periods or emergency time away. Professional users can also create multiple event types of any duration, enabling professional users to get booked and accept payment for private training sessions.
“Layperson” users can view a professionals unique page to make a booking and schedule an appointment with the professional user. Users make payment through Stripe.
Both a “layperson” and a professional user have a dashboard from where they can view all of the meetings, past, canceled and upcoming. Both users have cancellation functionality built into their dashboard so either a professional user can cancel a meeting booked by a layperson or a layperson can cancel a training session. A layperson can request to reschedule or to rebook with the same professional.
The application has a complete video training portal. Users can search for online video tutorials by category. Professional users can submit online training videos using only links to videos (the application does not store the video files in the database). Tutorials can be provided completely free or paid. All payments are done through Stripe. Tutorial videos can be set to “preview” if the tutorial is not free in the event the professional wants users to view a specific video for free from a list of videos that comprise the tutorial.
Users can ask questions using the ask and answer ‘forum’ on the tutorial page. Notification system notifies users of questions answered or replies. Professionals are notified of questions asked.
The application has a complete messaging system that is fully responsive. Only a ‘layperson’ can message a professional to initiate a conversation only after that ‘layperson’ has made a successful booking with that professional user.
The application has a complete Content Management System. The professional users can submit articles through their pro dashboard. Submitted and accepted blog posts will be featured on the blog as well as on the professional users unique page. All blog posts have a unique URL and include social share links on the blog post page. Admin users can upload blog articles as well. All blog articles must be approved by the admin user before they are posted to the blog. Blog posts can be scheduled for future post date to allow for scheduled releases.
The pro dashboard has a payments section where they are able to view all sales data. The admin users pro dashboard also has app wide data analytics regarding revenues with charts. Admin users has the only access to ‘app page’ (contact us, privacy policy etc.) as well as Help Articles.
Application has a complete ‘Help” page which includes dozens of help articles regarding functioning of the application for users to reference.
There are other features of the application that probably are not mentioned. If you have questions about the functionality, please preview the application and login as the demo users. There is a login provided for all three user types to demo the applications complete functionality. If after preview you are unsure if a required feature is available please reach out to the developer.
The application template is sold as is. In the event of any bugs, please report them to the developer as soon as possible to get quick assistance.
The application template can be customized. For customization requests please reach out to the developer.
This template uses a paid plugin for playing videos. The developer of the application template is in no way affiliated with the paid plugin and does not receive any commissions for its use.
For documentation of the application template please visit this site link TBA.
To Preview the application follow THIS LINK