I’m currently integrating Slack and trying to allow a user to install the app on their workspace.
The app is live and I’m testing as an external company. When on the Slack page for 'requesting permission to access the ‘X Company’ Slack workspace, I select the Channel and press ‘Allow’, I get the following error:
{“statusCode”:400,“body”:{“status”:“ERROR”,“message”:“Missing state from oauth provider”}}
There isn’t a lot of documentation from Slack around this, anyone had this issue or know where I am going wrong?
state is a custom parameters that you can send to slack and it will be returned by slack with the code. If you use Bubble oauth user-agent, Bubble already set this for you. If you do manual process, you can add this state parameters to the auth url. The data you want to send is up to you. You can choose to send current user ID for example or a random string.