@levon the slack plugin has still never come back to life. It still produces that error message we discussed before. I asked Bubble about it and the have not provided and feedback. Capture|690x431
Did you send a message to Bubble support?
The plugin works fine on our end…
That’s the same happening to me with my Asana plugin and the same message as @ryan8. However when you test it in the plugin editor it authenticates. @levon Did you test in the plugin editor or the plugin installed in an app?
I think there is some change in the form of how slack or Asana are sending the id. For instance Asana is transforming to “gid” instead of “id” and I have entered the field “id_token” for the plugin to authenticate in the plugin editor but doesn’t work when the plugin is installed in app
I have also asked about help for the above in this thread API Connector not connecting anymore
Slack and Asana are an important integration, so I hope someone from bubble could chime in @emmanuel
@emmanuel @levon @amdmakki i have reached out to bubble… i never got an email back from them yet… so i dunno if they know but they dont seem to be responding to the issue. Its been a while so i dont know if i will hear from them
I have tried new keys, uninstalling and reinstalling, redoing the expressions from scratch. nothing works.
In the plugin, Bubble is looking for a field in the OAUTH response called “user_id” which does not exist. It is “id” (see Gabby’s Slack plugin).
That is why it is throwing the error, it can’t find the named field.
and the solutions is?
Glad you saw that!
@levon does NigelG’s response shed any light on the issue?
@levon hey i cant subscribe to more of your plugins. Says i can only max out at 20 plugs?
I have updated the plugin long time ago to include that iD and when I initialize the plugin in the plugin builder i no longer see any errors regarding that. I have just tried to re-authenticate and it worked fine.
i have tried to set the same settings as on Gaby’s plugin but again getting that error (see screenshot below), so I reverted everything back.
I suggest trying the plugin in a brand new app, just to rule out any Bubble glitches and if it doesn’t work then reach out to Bubble support
I didn’t know there are any limits, certainly not set by us @emmanuel can you please advise here?
if we don’t here from Emmanuel, I suggest reaching out to Bubble Support as well
This is a Stripe limitation, we’re checking with them.
is it possible that the SLACK issue is a bubble issue? @emmanuel
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