Slick Slideshow

Hi everyone,

My bubble is a one page form.
The user has to upload up to 6 pics to complete the form.
I display the forms results in a RG and re the pics with Slick Slideshow.
I have a problem with the data source.
I can not display the pics uploaded.
Please, see screenshot attached.

Any idea.

Hi @thibaud.mullier

After the user has uploaded the photos, where are they stored?

Hi Petter,

in the db, under form datatype

Ok. The SlideShow element is expecting a list of image URL’s as its data source, so if you’re storing the images on a list on the Form datatype, you need to reference the that Form.

I’m guessing from your illustrations that it would be Parent Group’s Form’s Images (Images being the name of the field where you stored the URL’s)

Thanks Petter.
I see the pb.
Images are stored one by one in the db, not as a list.
How shall I do that please?

I’m not sure what you mean by one by one. Do you mean that a new Form is created for each image?

If so, you can reference all the Forms either by doing a search or using the Repeated Group’s list of Forms. So for a search, that would mean Do a Search For:Form’s Image where both the Forms step and the i=Image step would return a List of Things.

Hi Petter,

Thank you very much for your precious help :slight_smile:
I found a way.

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