Snowflake Connection through OAuth?

I’m wondering if anyone has successfully gotten a connection working from to Snowflake’s API for accessing data?

I’ve dug around for tutorials but not found too much on it. I’m not opposed to banging my head against technical documentation for a while, but it would be lovely if someone has worked this out previously.

Any particular issue you are having? Looking at the docs quickly it seems pretty standard using the API Connector I think…

Most of the problem is probably that I’m not super-strong with OAuth in general.

I think the main thing that’s a little tricky for me is sorting through the Snowflake side of things and figuring out how to get things set up on that end in a way that will work with

I’m reading through Configure Snowflake OAuth for Custom Clients | Snowflake Documentation but I’m not 100% confident that it’s the right place to start for what I’m trying to accomplish.

That’s why I was hoping someone had built a video / text walk-through of the process I just hadn’t stumbled on yet.

Oops I didn’t look at the OAuth portion… yea maybe someone can chime in on that…

It might be a cop-out but they say they also support Basic authorization, so
Authorization: Basic [base64 encoded "username:password"]

Also I’m not one for using middlemen, but has Snowflake integration as a middleman to handle the heavy lifting.

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Good call on the suggestion. I’m typically not a fan of a middleman either, but sometimes it’s nice to get SOMETHING working so you can move forward and then loop back and improve later

We actually use Zapier for a lot of things and it has snowflake/bubble too, so I’ll take a look at that. Thanks for the suggestion!

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