Build API Connections vs. Exposing Data to Zapier

Hello Bubble-verse.

Wondering if you could provide guidance/feedback on something I was thinking about regarding my app.

I was looking into adding integrations to other cloud platforms (i.e. Zendesk, Salesforce, etc) in my app using the API tools in Bubble. Then I was wondering, given the sheer number of platforms I COULD make such integrations with (other CRMs, Marketing Automation tools, Support Desk platforms etc.), whether it would be better to simply make my app available (via API) in Zapier, which, as I THINK I understand it, would allow anyone with a Zapier account to move data to/from any app already part of Zapier to my app.

I’m in the extreme infancy of this thought/approach, and as such, wanted to see what others thought. Is this an “obviously use Zapier” or a “No way, terrible idea”. Any constructive feedback based on your experiences with both Bubble and Zapier would help. All part of the learning/vetting process.

Let me know what you think.

Thanks again!
