[SOLVED] Send test webhook from Stripe Error

I am having trouble successfully testing a webhook from Stripe to the Bubble API on my app. Here are the steps I have taken:

Bubble Settings

  1. API > Public API Endpoints > This App Exposes a POST/Workflow API > Checked this setting

Bubble API

  1. Add an endpoint
  2. Expose as public endpoint = yes
  3. This endpoint can be run without authentication = yes
  4. Ignore privacy rules when running the workflow = yes
  5. key = ID
  6. Type = text

Stripe Settings

  1. Webhooks > Add Endpoint > Connect
  2. URL = https://appname.bubbleapps.io/version-test/api/1.0/wf/endpointname
  3. Mode = Development
  4. Send me all events = yes
  5. Sends Test webhook

After competing this I receive from Stripe dashboard “Test webhook error.”

Stripe is returning the error? If so, what is it?

@csblack yes, I receive this on the Stripe dashboard. It does not say anything other than the error:

Odd… Why is your API version dropdown empty for one?..

Second, here is an example of a Stripe webhook error on my end. Not sure why yours is empty.

wow, that fixed it. I thought it defaulted to latest version of the API. When I selected the dropdown it worked. Thanks!

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