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I have a particular group “Business info” in that i have number of Drop downs with all cities, states , categories etc and this gets saved in User profile when hit Save , just for this section i get this error …for more than a month i trying to fix it …no go the same when i try it with another work station too…

so our team came across this issue recently and it was because we were testing in preview mode rather than testing in “Run as” user mode. Our use case was trying to trigger a zapier workflow (zap). Bubble’s debugging panel doesn’t really provide any insight into these failed calls and investigating in the network tab in the dev console shows nothing either.

if you want to test this using mock user data, navigate to your user data table and make sure to “Run as” user and then give that a shot. Hope this helps!

Hi! I am getting this error for days now, when I want create a new app. Help please

I had this issue when copy-pasting a workflow step that called the API.

I just recreated the workflow step from scratch and it works now