I have a list of things on the user field. I need to display this list on horizontal repeating group and sort it by the date that the user added the thing to the user field.
> The requirement is Newly added should be in the first place of the list
If I understand you correctly, you don’t need a plugin for that. You can just sort by the creation date and descending will be yes. This will make the recently created ones on top. And it shouldn’t matter if the RG is horizontal or vertical.
So the thing created before it is added to the user’s list. I see. I don’t think there is a special date stored somewhere when a thing is added to a list of things. You need to create one yourself if this added date is important to you.
If each thing can only be in one user’s list, you can simply add another date to the thing like added date. However, if the thing can be in multiple user’s list, you should probably create another data type with this thing in it + a date. And the user will have a list of this new data type.