i’m quite puzzled as it seems that the system doesn’t do what it’s designed to do (or it’s a big misunderstanding from me) :
i want my user to be able to fill a multiline input with multiple lines. Then, i want the user to push a button and the system to be able to treat each line (meaning a sequence of chars ended by a line_break (\r or \n) ) through a Schedule Workflow API on a list.
For that, i’m doing the following :
- placing a multiline input
- placing a button
- creating a backend api workflow with one text parameter that creates a record in a table based upon the text parameter
- on the button workflow, i set an action as : Schedule an API workflow on a list, and as datasource i set the Multiline A’s value:split_by(line_break)
And when i fill the multiline with several lines (with line breaks) and click the button, the text parameter transmitted to the API workflow is made of one text : all the lines from the multiline input and not a line extracted from it.
Am i doing something wrong or i haven’t understood something or is it a bug ?
Thanks for any hint !
Best regards,