Spotify api integration

who can guide m on how to use spotify api integration

What guidance do you need? You can contact me anytime; I would be happy to help.

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if you ready i can create a google meet for you to put me through

@ediaweconfidencepaul sorry was sleeping, , ping me on linkedin, and we can work it togather. i need to look the documentaion of spotify. but the flow is same for every app:

  • You create a app inside the platfrom
  • whcih give you API keys:
  • you can use thoese keys to search song or paly them.
  • if you are letting user link there Spotify , then you need to take there access key with Oauth2 , by taking thme to a Spotify login url with your app Secret keys and which return them with a code which you can use to convert it into a access key.
  • once you get the access key , you can call the platfrom with berer key and that set.