SQL DB Connector - MSSQL Stored Procedures (EXEC) and SQL Functions

Hi everyone.

I am trying to use the SQL Database Connector to make a call primarily via a Stored Procedure (Create a stored procedure - SQL Server | Microsoft Learn) which results in a SQL input in the following format using the EXEC command:

EXEC bubble_api.HousePoints ‘school_123’, ‘2024-01-01 00:00:00’, ‘2025-02-02 00:00:00’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘Hello’;

The above successfully runs and returns data. When trying to paramaterise this to be able to feed in data from my application, I am using the $ signs as per the documentation. See below.

I am getting the following error, which indicates to me that Bubble is parsing the text $1 instead of replacing it with the parameter, as this query works perfectly without parameters.

Does anyone have a suggested fix for this?

For anyone who is experiencing the same issue in the future, Bubble have confirmed that the only supported operations using the SQL DB Connector are SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE