Stopped sending emails

Hi guys,

Today my app has stopped sending emails! The “send e-mail” function simply doesn’t send anything anymore! Anyone with this problem too?


Hi @tuliommc ,

Are you using your own SendGrid API key?

No… just using the native send email without sendgrid api key

There’s a limit on the number you can send using Bubble’s API key

Note: Due to rate limiting from Sendgrid on the default shared email address, a maximum of 50 recipients can be specified per email. If you need more than this limit for your app, consider creating your own Sendgrid account as outlined here.

Hi @tuliommc,
I have the same problem.
It stopped working everywhere.

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I recommend just using your own API key, or switching to a better, more reliable provider like Postmark :wink:

Any ETA on this bug? It’s been a couple of days now.

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Same thing is going on with me. My app stopped sending emails . It just doesnt work anymore.

Same problem !
How to do our own api?


Ceased functioning during the project demonstration, which was highly inconvenient.

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hey all,

The team is still waiting for Sendgrid to fix the issue

Here’s a detailed walkthrough of your options and how to fix. It’s out of bubbles control.

[quote=“[Solution] Bubble Email Sending Issues, post:1, topic:324849”]

So this means that they are working to solve it. We can wait for a few days because it was very convinient dealing with this without external apps and services via api calls.

You can still deal without plugins and external API calls and use the standard “send email” and standard “password reset” functions. You will just need your own sendgrid account. Post the API key in settings. Then follow the rules posted in that post I wrong linked to Google.

Basically setup auth records (DMIK, DMARC, SPF) in DNS, keep spam rate on IP and domain below 0.3%

If you skip the auth records part you likely won’t deliver.

Bubble did make it quite easy out the box without those requirements.

Yeah so it means it wont be fixed by Bubble or sendgrid.
Another functionallity lost again.

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