Storing lots of images?

All Bubble paid plans seems to be limited to 10GB. What’s the best approach to building a site that will allow users to upload images - like a photo sharing site?

In the plugin store theres an “AWS” plugin which allows you to use the amazon web servers to store things. I believe the first 50TB is $0.025* roughly per gigabyte.

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Thanks for the reply, @lockymadera. So I guess most folks are addressing similar needs with a 3rd-party cloud storage solution? It seems odd that one can’t simply purchase additional capacity directly through Bubble as the need arises.

You can. People just complain about the cost, I guess. (And there’s a lot of activity here on hobby plans with folks looking for workarounds. Which is fine, but you CAN in fact add storage.)

It’s right in the settings interface on pro (on personal as well I think). You can buy more capacity (CPU/server) and/or storage. There’s no limit to storage you can add, practically speaking.

Oh, that’s good to know! I was just looking at the plan comparison page. Thanks for the info, @keith.

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From what I’ve seen a lot of people are going for the AWS route because its extremely cheap compared to bubble I believe. I think bubbles pricing was $10 for 10gb and AWS does that for $0.25

… like I said.

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