Storing the attribute of Option Sets in the Database

Has anyone been able to store the attributes of an option set in the database

For instance, I have an option set Title with the following options


And the following attributes respectively (French)

In my dropdown, I want to store the attributes when selected from the dropdown in the DB.

I have displayed the French attribute with conditionals, but for instance, when selecting Monsouir in the dropdown, it still stores it as Mr.

Overall I’m trying to use an option set to toggle between English and French depending on the preference of the user.

Hi there,

Can you share your database setup, specifically where ‘Title’ is stored and what type of content it is? And how you’re currently using the dropdown to change it?

If you are using Auto-binding, please check your privacy rules to make sure auto binding is allowed on that particular field.

When you store an option in a the database you will always see the display field of the option.
In your setup, if you really want “Monsieur” (I am French, that the right name by the way) to be stored in database. You option set should look like this:

Attributes: display, language

  • Mr, EN
  • Mrs, EN
  • Monsieur, FR
  • Madame, FR

Hope this help :slight_smile:


Thats my DB setup above for the Option sets

for switching between the option set and its attribute I use the following conditional

I have an option set that sets the language which I also use and attribute on the Option set e.g English is 1 and French is 2. so based on the language number for each user display either the option set or the option set attributes.

I hope this is clear.

Thank you

Yes this does make sense will give it a try

Thank you @eliot1

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