Stripe API Connector: Missing required param: success_url

Getting this error even though the success_url is there.

I tried adding Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded to the header but still got the same error. Any ideas?

Stripe’s API doesn’t accept JSON requests…

You need to use query parameter instead.

Does that mean I need to pass all those parameters via the POST URL? :astonished:

I was also told that setting the Body type to “Form-data” should work with Stripe, so I tried that:

But I kept getting this error:

Even though the content type was already set.

Content-Type should be application/json

Body type JSON

Then check the querystring box for each parameter.

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Thanks, this is what I was doing initially and it was working but I switched to passing the parameters in the body because I wasn’t sure how to pass this parameter as an array in bubble:

"shipping_address_collection": {
  "allowed_countries": ["GB"],

But after some trial and error I figured it out and now it works (solution was to type it as “shipping_address_collection[allowed_countries]”).

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