Stripe error Sorry, we ran into a temporary bug and can't complete your request. We'll fix it as soon as we can; please try again in a bit!

Stripe was working fine for a month but suddenly it stop working and I got the error
Sorry, we ran into a temporary bug and can’t complete your request. We’ll fix it as soon as we can; please try again in a bit!

my clients can not complete payment using stripe

how are you connected to stripe, with a plugin, if so, which one, or is it via API. Is the error shown in Stripe dashboard or Bubble dashboard? What actions is attempted to be used when this error is shown, is it when user attempts to signup to stripe, make payment etc?

Thanks for you response
connected through stripe plugin ,the error shown on bubble dashboard, when user attempts to make payment

I would recommend trying again, and if it is persistent, then send a bug report to bubble support…include the error you see, any details in browser console related to the error as well as information from stripe dashboard logs.

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