Stripe plugin - creating subscription + adding one-time setup fee

Hey bubblers,

First question:
I’m building a payment workflow in Bubble and am struggling to use the Stripe/Bubble plugin so that a user can pay for a subscription and a one-time setup fee in one?

Here’s my current workflow when the user clicks the “Pay now” button:

The current steps:

  1. Subscribe the user to a plan

  2. Create a new Subscription object in Bubble.

  3. Add the Subscription object to the User object

  4. Charge a user using saved CC (they got the CC from then they are subscribed in step 1)

The problem:
When the user clicks “Pay now”, they are taken to a page to put in their card details but it only shows the subscription line item. I understand this is because the user is charged a one-time fee after the subscription is created. So I tried something else…
Screen Shot 2022-01-31 at 7.28.36 PM

What I’ve tried:
I’ve tried creating an invoice and then adding an invoice line item for the one-time setup, and then subscribing to the plan, then adding another line item to the invoice with the subscription ID and paying the invoice. But they’re redirected to the same Stripe subscription page that doesn’t include the one-time fee when you use the “Subscribe the user to a plan” workflow.

The aim is to include both the one-time fee amount and subscription plan amount when they go to enter their card details.

Second question:

Also my second question - how do you send the subscription invoice and one-time setup fee invoice to the user?

Thanks for your help!

Hello @HBee ,

I have exactly the same problem,
Do you find a solution ?

@HBee any chance you ever solved this and can share the solution.