Hi there,
I want to create a dashboard which displays news (techblogs, science publications and funding events) and refreshes them every day.
I retrieve the news (data) from an external API (JSON-Format) and save them to my database via a backend worklflow.
I make 3 different API-calls to display the 3 different types of news.
In my API-Call, I preset the row count (which corresponds to the amount of articles I want to retrieve from this specific type of news).
It looks like this:
I’ve set this property for every API-Call, but when start my backend workflow, it only works for one of my three news types.
The other two newstypes only produce 4 instead of 7 articles or no article at all. So how can it be that this works so unreliably?
Also, in my scheduler, I noticed that it produces way too many workflows, although I’ve hitted the inital button to start the workflow just once?
I start my recursive backend workflow via hitting a button in my frontend:
Then I proceed in my backend with the 3 different workflows. They all delete the old data, create a new entry and recall themselves 24 hours later.
Any help is really appreciated!