I just went through and updated all of my apps to the new versions and updated all the plugins. Now I am just hoping my users don’t start complaining that everything blew up on them or something.
Tip: Just because there are not errors, doesn’t mean there aren’t any issues. Try going to each page to see if an error shows up. Also, just because there are not issues, doesn’t mean there aren’t any. Test everything!
one of my earlier projects that’s still around. this musta been about 1 year into the world of development while fully entrenched in a full time behavioral analysis grad program. had spent a lotta time on thunkable until this point.
Who could have said it was the right choice so many years ago @emmanuel ?
There were no Styles, no Backend workflows (so no Schedule on a list). Old days…
Now I’m running an industry company and now no one care it is code or no-code. Just it works perfectly fine.