Text field to option set


I have this problem with an app, basically I have a Type “Espacio” that has a list of “Pagos” and the fields of “Pagos” are “forma_pago” which is text and “forma_pago_2” which is option set.

The thing is that I need to convert all “forma_pago” to the new “forma_pago_2” to mantain everything more organized with option sets. But I tried scheduling an API workflow to make changes to a list of things and didn´t worked.

  1. I schedule the API workflow on a list
    Captura de Pantalla 2021-01-28 a la(s) 20.17.44
  2. Then I make changes
    Captura de Pantalla 2021-01-28 a la(s) 20.19.09
  3. The first filter is to match “forma_pago_2” to the old “forma_pago”

  1. And the second filter is to only do the changes to the correct “Pago”
    Captura de Pantalla 2021-01-28 a la(s) 20.21.01

Can you tell me please what am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance :slightly_smiling_face: :computer:

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