I’d like to be able to select text in a repeating group and have the text reappear in the input box for editing or some version of this function. Currently, by clicking the red arrow, the text from the multiline input box is sent to the repeating group. It looks like this:
There is an ‘X’ that appears next to the text after it goes to the RG, but it just deletes the item rather than sending the text back to the text box for editing.
Are you storing the text anywhere?
I think I was able to do it. See this example:
I used the above lesson to design the page.
Yes, I create a new thing and save the entries to a list in the current user.
Do I need to have a plan with Bubble.is to see how you did that? I can see the result, but I can’t see the work you did to create it in the Bubble Editor.
@blainewgates you don’t need a plan, the link to the URL for the Bubble editor above just needs tweaked. Copy and paste that URL into a new tab, remove all occurrences of “& amp;” then hit return to load the editor page.
@blainewgates I guess my bigger question is why you chose this UX? Seems overly complicated.
Why not simply make the text in the repeating group editable? If you use an input element instead of a text element in the RG row, you can set the Initial Content for the Input to “current cell’s (activity description)”–or whatever the field name is. When user clicks into this field in the repeating group, they can edit the text. Then change your Push button to a Save that creates/edits the current cell’s thing. The only additional step is you’ll need to clear the inputs via a workflow so that on next page load the RG reverts back to showing initial content.
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I’m in the process of trying out your suggestion. Currently, there is an input to make an entry. That entry has a save button. The save button pushes the content into the RG. Creates a new item and add it to the user. In the RG there is an input and another save button. With the RG save button, I can make changes to an item, but only add or remove item from the user.
When I reload the page, the edited content reverts to the original content.