Text-overflow does not work


ID attribute correctly

However, text-overflow does not work
スクリーンショット 2024-02-24 154317

Does someone know why?

just let bubble do it and setup the text with proper formatting options, which would be a max or fixed height so when the text would otherwise wrap, it can not, and then when the width is decreased the elipssis is added

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I don’t know specifically what’s going on here… but Bubble Text elements are weird when it comes to overflow/truncate behaviour (they seem to actually manipulate the text content itself, rather than just applying styling rules to it).

So whenever I need more control over overflow behaviour for text than Bubble gives you I use HTML instead of a text element. Trying to add custom CSS rules to a Bubble Text element doesn’t seem to work, at least for wrapping/overflow/truncating behaviour (as you’ve discovered here).

So I’d suggest that’s what you do here.

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Thank you for your reply.
I struggled and in simple structure, it worked.
But in a complex situation, it doesn’t, maybe because of setting somewhere.
Totally it’s due to my inexperience, but I’ll manage somehow.

Thank you for your reply.
Yes, you’re right. It’s not easy to setup properly in complex structure.
Totally it’s due to my inexperience, but I’ll manage somehow.

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