I’d agree with you on the components front. Reusables are great but if they were just a little bit more “componentised” it would be more in line with proper development methodologies.
I think the issue of whether Bubble is scalable or not is more about the back-end and the database, which neither WeWeb or FlutterFlow include anyway. Since I first looked at Bubble 3 and a half years ago, the improvements in speed and scalability are incredible and I think this widely-held myth that it’s not scalable belongs to the past. I suppose once something has got a reputation then it’s difficult to change even when it’s no longer true.
I do agree, that a revamp of the UI in Bubble would help a lot, compared to the newer tools which have slick and modern UIs, it is looking old. They were close to releasing an update a couple of years ago but postponed it in favour of more important issues such as the responsive engine which is now standardised in Bubble.
I don’t think they’re strolling, although it can feel like that, I think it’s more about growing pains. I think once their expanded team are fully embedded we’ll see some massive and rapid improvements.
Also remember that Bubble maybe have to move a little slower as they have to take their millions of users with them. New tools that don’t have a user base to speak of yet can make breaking changes without it having any effect. Bubble have to tread very carefully.
Obviously the newer, code-generating platform are going to extoll the virtues of getting your code out if you want, but as I’ve tried to highlight in this thread, it’s almost useless as what are you going to do with it once you’ve got it? You’ll then have to do everything yourself, you’ll need a team of coders to deal with development, dev ops and everything else. Also think of it this way, these new platforms *have" to generate the code because that’s their runtime or rather they don’t have a runtime, they just rely on the browser or a complier to be their runtime. Bubble have developed a very optimised runtime engine which is developed specifically so there is no need for code generation. Code generation takes time by the way and has to be done every time you make a change and execute the app, which is why Flutterflow is very slow at initial execution as it also has to compile the code. Bubble makes the development cycle much more rapid. I don’t blame these newer tools, it enables them to develop their system faster if they don’t need to develop a runtime, just churn out the code and let the browser run it and while they’re at it let the user have access to the code if they want and then claim it as a feature! If I were developing a no-code tool, I’d do the same!
Anyways, it’s easy to look at Bubble’s shortcomings, real or perceived, and decide to look elsewhere for newer and shinier things. Overall, while not perfect, Bubble is the best and greatest software development tool and environment I’ve ever used in my 25+ years as a developer and nothing else at the moment can come close to it, although if they’re not careful that time will come.