In that case you just need to set the ‘Value’ in the Better Toggle plugin properties editor to the database field.
I just tested this and it works fine - but one (strange) thing to note: for some reason the Better Toggle element doesn’t update its value in real time (unlike other elements), so if you change the database value some other way (such as from within the Bubble Editor or via a backend workflow) you need to refresh the page before the better toggle element shows the new value.
Are you sure you’ve got the required data, and are referring to it it correctly?
Set up a simple test with another toggle, or even just a text element, to make sure the data is being pulled correctly from the database.
If it is then there must be a bug with the plugin (as I said it works fine for me apart from not updating correctly) - so the best thing to do is to test it first.
If it’s not working even with t text element (or any other display element), then check that your data exists, and double check how you’re referencing it on the page.
Sorted it in the end after playing around - thanks for the suggestions.
Set the group around the toggle to ‘do a search for’ and toggle value to parent group’s DB location - it’s the simplest of things sometimes that stops you moving forward!