Transfer property of an app (starter plan)

Hi everyone,

I’ve go to transfer the property of an app to a client. The app is online with a Starter plan.

I know that I have to go in Settings < Collaboration and ‘invite the user by email’ by indicating the email of his Bubble account and click on ‘Transfer’

I know that I’ll have the following message :

*“You are the paying user of this app, you cannot transfer ownership yet. You should unsubscribe first as a paying app cannot be transferred to another account without a cancellation first.”

So I’ve got 2 questions :slight_smile:

  1. I understand that I’ve got downgrade the plan on a free plan to transfer the property = is that right ?

  2. The plan which has been chosed is the STARTER PLAN : so it has been already payed for the next year (until july 2024). Will the biling period follow the app ?

I mean that I was supposed to be the webmaster, the customer wanted to pay less as possible so they choosed the Started plan but Bubble of the annual paiement (app paied until july of next year) will Bubble consider that the plan and the billing period are inherent to the app (no the owner/payor) and will ask the future owner to pay next year in july ?

I was supposed to be the webmaster – so it is the reason why they wanted an annual plan to pay less - but the customer doesn’t want to pay any maintenance with me (lol) so I have to transfer the property.

Thank you in advance


As far as I’m aware if you cancel it they keep your money, then if you transfer and the new owner pays for the plan they will just be billed again (stupid if true)

I would email support if they can confirm (and/or make some kind of exception)

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Hi Tyler,

Thank’s for your very quick answer : I’ll transfer my request to the support and will keep up to date here (cause I haven’t seen the question about the transfer of a starter plan)

Good evenring

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Hello everyone,

Does anyone knows if there is an e-mail for support ?
I want to contact the support for my question : bu the suport center (Support | Bubble) doesn’t show any e-mail to contact if we haven’t had an answer in the FAQ

So I send a request in the contact form in the part Contact sales (Contact sales | Bubble) but I don’t know if they will answer about a plan and transfer property question

Is there any way to contact support team ?

Thank’s in advance and have a nice day

You can contact support at

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Many thank’s Mike :pray: Have a nice day

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Same issue here - strange you can’t change packages within free trial

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