Transmit repeat group data(per cell) to pop up

The option of transmitting group data’s individually clicked cell to a page is available, how is this possible to transmit to a popup?

added a button to the repeating group, but the actions dont have the option of ‘send data’ . Workflow actions used is ‘Element Actions’ → show → ‘select the created popup’. There is not ‘send data option’.

Display data is the action your are looking for. You do it before the show popup

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got it!

when pooling in images from a list of images in a table, what operator is best for this? it seems like there is a variety of ways to represent image data.


You can only display data for a single item (Your case should be Current cell’s datatype) . What you show actually come from a list of items. List can be displayed in table or RG

then how is it possible to pool in all the images related to a product if thats the case?

Product thumbnail with a view button which starts the pop-up, is it not possible to diplay all images related to that specific cell from the repeated group?

In the popup, add a RG of time “image”
The popup itself will be of type product
RG data source will be: Popup (or parent) product’s image list
Display data action will be current cell product.

And how is the data from selected products pre-popup action transmitting the data to the pop up, you mentioned popup itself is of type product, this doesnt provide the exact product linked to the clicked cell?

Display data action

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