Triggering scheduled emails

Hello everyone, I have a small problem regarding sending daily emails.

Basically I have a table, which has a column called id_status

I would like you to run the morning at 9am, check if there is any record with id_status = pending, and if so, send the email with all the records

can you please help me?

My main problem is with the trigger, what would be the trigger for me to call my recoorenete event?

There are a few ways to do this. Just one idea, If you want to run the workflow every morning at 9am, create an API workflow and then create a button on an admin page where you start the workflow to loop itself at 9am everyday. Does that make sense? Hope that gets you going in the right direction.

interesting, but will I need to click on this button every day, or by clicking once, will it run the api every day at 09:00?

Well, If you loop itself, then it will keep going every day at 9am if you set it up correctly.

I’ve seen this come up on the forums a lot so would maybe warrant instructions or a guide. It feels counterintuitive to have to create a button in your app and for that to be the only way to create the starting workflow… but at least it gets the job done.

Tasks like this may be aimed at being run “site wide” so be mindful of your privacy rules as they still get triggered within the context of a user.