Trouble matching financial API calls

Hi all,

I am completely new to bubble and APIs but I want to build a personal investment / finance dashboard to my friends and myself. I have found a financial data source called TwelveData where I can extract the financial data from.

However, I cannot figure out how to connect the several API calls. They have good documentation where as I understand it you need to get the symbols/tickers from a reference endpoint (I understand it as a look-up function( and then get the market data from a Core data endpoint.

My question is how I combine these two calls so I use the reference data as a lookup to find the relevant core data on a Tesla or a Microsoft stock for instance?

Please help :slight_smile:

Below is the documentation:

Ref data:

  "data": [
      "symbol": "AA",
      "instrument_name": "Alcoa Corp",
      "exchange": "NYSE",
      "mic_code": "XNYS",
      "exchange_timezone": "America/New_York",
      "instrument_type": "Common Stock",
      "country": "United States",
      "currency": "USD"

Core / market data (symbol and apikey are required parameters in the call)

  "symbol": "AAPL",
  "name": "Apple Inc",
  "exchange": "NASDAQ",
  "mic_code": "XNAS",
  "currency": "USD",
  "datetime": "2021-09-16",
  "timestamp": 1631772000,
  "open": "148.44000",
  "high": "148.96840",
  "low": "147.22099",
  "close": "148.85001",
  "volume": "67903927",
  "previous_close": "149.09000",
  "change": "-0.23999",
  "percent_change": "-0.16097",
  "average_volume": "83571571",
  "rolling_1d_change": "123.123",
  "rolling_7d_change": "123.123",
  "rolling_period_change": "123.123"
  "is_market_open": false,
  "fifty_two_week": {
    "low": "103.10000",
    "high": "157.25999",
    "low_change": "45.75001",
    "high_change": "-8.40999",
    "low_change_percent": "44.37440",
    "high_change_percent": "-5.34782",
    "range": "103.099998 - 157.259995"


You’ve provided very little detail of your app requirement, but generally, what you’re describing is possible.

You simply need to load your ref data and API data into the same group of elements and match them based on stock symbol.

Depending on the requirements of the app, you’ll most likely need a severless function at some point to handle backend processes.

Btw, there’s probably already a tool for what you’re describing, or at the very least, a much more simple approach like Power BI if you just need to display a dashboard. (But again, depending on your requirement)