This being said, while trying to create and filter my data source for a RG, to only display Visit Offers which have visit dates for today, I can’t seem to get it to display ALL of the Visit Offers which meet this criteria.
I have these constraints for date (today):
Date ≥ Current Date/Time: rounded down to day Date < Current Date/Time: rounded down to day: +(days) 1
and had luck filtering for today, but it is only allowing me to show a single result (Visit Offer) in my repeating group.
Can you identify some glaring issue that I am missing? How can I not choose just the first or last item, but all items which meet this criteria??
Maybe do a search for Visit Dates instead of for Visit Offers, constrain the visit dates within your timeframe (as well as matching them to the relevant Visit Offer), and then use Each Item’s Visit Offer: unique elements: filtered: accepted yes…
No you need to leave the Content Type as it was (Visit Offer) and define the list to show as a search for VisitDates (constrained accordingly): each item’s Visit Offer: unique elements.
That, of course, assumes that your VisitDate Datatype has a field for the relevant VisitOffer… and if it doesn’t then you might want to add one (or even create a new datatype to link an offer to a date if necessary).
The only alternative is to use an advanced filter… which may, or may not, cause performance issues, depending on how complex it is and how much data you’re handling.
If it’s not a lot of data then it might not be an issues, so if your database isn’t set up accordingly, you could try using an advanced filter first before making any changes to your data structure.
Ok thanks for clarifying! I had already tried to switch out for visitdates in my content/data source so my mind went there first.
I do not have a data field for visit dates on my visit offers (I do have the other way around) but I think I can manage it with a workflow - let me play with it and see if it unblocks me - thanks so much you are the best!
Hey Adam - so I managed to get the VisitOffers data field on to my VisitDates.
Is that image above how you envisioned I build out the search? I have never used unique elements so wasn’t positive on that part of your advice - thanks!