Udemy clone on website

I’m stuck on the Udemy clone on the bubble tutorial. In the navigation search bar it says open webpage home url results/ this input. I click on webpage home url but it doesn’t have an option for results or let me type it in. Any suggestions

Bumping because I’m still stuck and can’t get the option for the results page. Any help will be much appreciated

Without knowing much more about your exact situation, when you preview the app, turn on the element inspector and see where that url points to.

To me, it looks like you’re missing a /just before results.

Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately it doesn’t work, it doesn’t let me link to the results page. There is no option and it doesn’t allow me to type it in even with the /

@lachlankirkwood1 can you offer a suggestion?

Or the last part of the URL - the input - needs to URL encoded. maybe.

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