Unable to get :sum of revenue in revenue card

I am an absolute beginner, this is my first time creating a webapp in bubble or atleast trying to make one.

I have added dummy data in app data with revenue and expense but while inserting dynamic tag, i am not getting an option to do “:sum”

  1. there is no comma, dot or anything else in amount i have entered
  2. I have tried to delete entry and re add it

what should i do?

Hey Pulkit,

Could you show me your data structure. If you aren’t getting the sum option, it is probably due to you only selecting one items revenue or expense.

How can i show you?

This works?

Yes, if you want to get the sum of the ammount, you need to search for that datatype and sum the ammount.

So i have to mannually add sum in the data?

But cant it automatically calculate that to show in dashboard?

Because i have no option of doing the sum

First select each item amount

Sounds like your amount data field is set as text

Ah, this worked.

Thank you so much. :pray:t2:


In dynamic insert I had to select each entry’s amount to generate sum.

It’s fixed now.

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